
Thursday, September 10, 2015

What Makes You Happy?

I am the kind of person that is very easy to please. I find happiness in the smallest of things, and even in the most mundane day. My grandma used to tell me that when all the kids my age are in the playgrounds running about and playing, I was contented and happy just watching them from the sidelines. I don't remember that though, I think I'm not the kind of person that will watch from the bleachers, I want to experience the action myself too.

It's the little things that matters, as cliche as it sounds, I find it true.
  1. Not having to set my alarm for the next day. Sleep is so precious for me. If you've known me long enough you'll know that I can sleep like a bear on hibernation. Not exaggerating, or am I?
  2. Fresh sheets! They're god sent.
  3. The smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. It could jump start my day.
  4. Getting a smile from a random person on the street. Not the creepy or psychotic ones.
  5. Ice cold water. Do I need to reiterate the importance of hydration? Hydrate! Hydrate! --for a moment there, I sounded like my late grandma.
  6. Bacon! Mother of god! I can live on them, popping arteries be damned!
  7. A simple "hi" from THAT person. Regardless if it's just a text, a phone call, Morse code or smoke signals, whatever floats your goat.. err boat! It can turn your day upside down, inside out. I sound like a lovesick teenager. Hahaha!
  8. Getting my name right at Starbucks, it's a rare occurrence and I live for those days. I spell my name out and I still get Kirann or Kiriann. Oh well...
  9. Hearing your favorite songs on the radio or anywhere else, even if you have those songs on your ipod or phone. When this happens, I automatically picture myself in a music video. 
  10. Receiving updates from friends and family members that are far from you. Makes you feel important and in the loop.
  11. Getting your eyeliner right on the first try, and not ending up looking like a panda or a raccoon. Oh the feels!
  12. Cuddling with my langging (which means "little love" in Visayan) in bed. Just so you know, langging is my little pillow from childhood. And yes, I take it with me wherever I go. Haters gonna hate. Hahaha!
  13. That feeling after you did a few Ks of running. I can feel my calories trickle down my skin. Oh yeah, they're called sweat. 
  14. A fully charged laptop and phones. Need I say more?
  15. Rain! I am the type of person who enjoys the rain so much.
  16. An organized closet, I can easily locate the things I want to wear. 
  17. Staying up late and waking up late. I am always four hours behind my timezone, wherever I may be. 
  18. The number 18. Whenever I see it, I feel like something's good is going to happen to me. It is my birthday, and my favorite number. And for me it means "I am infinite." , 1 = I and 8 = ∞ (infinity sign).
So whoever you are who's reading this, get out there and make your little happiness list. 

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