
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Bugged Life

I have a 10-year old blog somewhere in this blogosphere, I used it initially as an online journal to keep family and friends updated with my life. And I only had five readers that grew into ten as the blog reached a decade old. Blog traffic wasn't and isn't a big deal for me, all I wanted was a place where I can express myself.

I created this new blog to channel my geekness and my peculiarity in my race (the IT professionals). Living my life is like being born a mixed race. I don't totally fit in to either worlds: the IT industry and the fashion industry. 

I grew up with the women in my family (from my grandma to my aunts and mother) as my fashion icons. They dressed me up every day like I'm having tea with some royalties. Then I discovered reading and my love for technology and innovation. But the reading and the MacGyver in me didn't stop me from my love for fashion. Instead, I delved into every book and magazines that we had at our home and there I found my niche in life.

A Bugged Life is a play on the word bug, which means an error or a flaw in a computer program or system. Just like my life, I am bugged. As the world have this stereotype of IT people like me, and we are only allowed to do certain stuff (geeky stuff). But I am not one for convention, I do a lot of things that isn't expected of a geek like me. 

I am into music, I play the piano and the guitar. I appreciate visual arts, I sketch and paint. I love traveling, which is why I'm in Spain instead of the Philippines. And I am into fashion that doesn't only consists of a tee and sneakers. 

Welcome to my bugged life!

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